Who wants to carry out the rubbish of old shitting cheating Bush?

Dont be too happy.
We have first to carry out the rubbish from this oedipal idiot and warrior. We have to stop the plunder of the Washington Consensus against poor people and countries. We have to put an end to the illegal rule of US world law, Chicago boys and dollar glut. But before, we have to tackle with the US state bankrupcy.

Could it be only a lemming run?
Is Barack Obama only The public and private rubbish collector?
I have another dream.




1. Le 5. novembre 2008, par Christine RS21

Thanks, you're right Thomas but anyway, the symbol is just strong and figures HOPE...No need to be optimistic but once again, better than nothing or better than Mc Cain !
I do think that this election in a real progress for humanity...

N'abandonnez plus notre démocratie, notre État de Droit, notre Code du Travail ! Allez voter ! (pour la VIème République)
Le Parlement Européen de Strasbourg a été abandonné à des médiocres le 7 juin aux Élections Européennes 2009.
Le Parlement Européen de Strasbourg a été abandonné aux médiocres le 26 mai aux Élections Européennes 2019.
Le Parlement Européen de Strasbourg a été abandonné à l'extrême-droite le 9 juin aux Élections Européennes 2024.

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